Life From The Summit

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Ep. 17: Gen X Unplugged:  3 Key Observations on Change and Transition 

When you think of a change that’s happened to you or a change you want to make, what’s your reaction?  

To the extent that you think about change at all, have you ever thought about the difference between “change” and transition? 

Do you know why it’s important to recognize that difference?  

In this week’s shorty solo episode, Michele dives into 3 key observations about the distinctions between change and transition that can make all the difference in how you face (or don’t face) life’s changes.  

The reason these observations are key is because when change has happened to us, or when we’re anticipating making a change, we can become so focused on the gap between where we are now and where we were or want to be after the change, that we freeze in our tracks.  And, as Michele shares, there are 3 obstacles that change presents to us that can make that gap seem like too much ground to cover.  

The result:  we feel lost, hopeless, and trapped between “before” the change and “after” the change.  

And, when we can learn the difference between “change” and “transition,” as well as the importance of focusing on the subtle transitions rather than the huge change, we can find a different perspective for moving through life’s changes. 

This podcast is called The Gen X Shift for a reason . . . it’s not the The Gen X Change.  The subtle shifts are where true change lies.  

Make sure to grab your free download for the episode below!



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💥 Free Download:  3 Key Observations on Change and Transition

💥 The Gen X Shift Ep. 14 with Michael O’Brien and code for 50% of Pause, Breathe, Reflect merchandise 

💥 Dr. Rick Hanson (neuroscientist and mindfulness meditation teacher)

💥 Andrew Huberman (neuroscientist)

💥 Sarah Benjamin and identity dissonance

💥 The Gen X Shift 1x1 Program with Michele & Life From The Summit

💥 7 Quotes to Guide Gen X Through Transitions in Our 40s and Beyond


If you resonate with this episode, please remember to take a few seconds to leave a rating and review, and share the podcast with other Gen X’ers.  

Also, if you’re enjoying The Gen X Shift podcast, please consider donating to help Michele with the tech, equipment, and resources needed to produce this podcast.  The podcast is a one-woman, one-dog show right now, so every bit of support goes a long way. 

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Stay Gold, Gen X’ers . . . .