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To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

Am I Just an Accidental Human With No Legacy
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Am I Just an Accidental Human With No Legacy

I was maybe 7 or 8 years old when I realized that the time between when my parents got married and when I was born was less than nine months. Growing up, that realization never bothered me and I never felt like an accident. But, the notion that I was an accidental human took on a different flavor as I got older and started to feel the pang of existential questions like “what is my purpose?” I felt that I had to justify my accidental existence by leaving a big legacy.

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How Learning My Core Values Changed My Life at 49
Michele Walter Michele Walter

How Learning My Core Values Changed My Life at 49

Listen up, because this week I’m going to share with you the one thing that has fundamentally changed how I live my life. That has allowed me to feel more empowered to make conscious choices to prioritize and honor what’s important to me. This is THE most important work that I think we can do for ourselves. So buckle up, settle in, and enjoy!

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Behind the Scenes of My Mental Health Struggles
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Behind the Scenes of My Mental Health Struggles

If you’d told me 10 years ago that I could be prone to anxiety and depression, I would have LOL’d big time. No way would I have thought that I would suffer from anxiety or depression. I was raised in the 70’s and 80’s. I’m a strong, independent, resilient midwesterner who grew up as a latchkey kid and knew how to take care of herself. But this week, I want to put a face on one of the many ways that mental health struggles can manifest. And, in the process, hopefully normalize mental health struggles so that if you’re someone who can relate, you can know that you’re not alone.

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Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Part 2 - The Generational Shadows
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Part 2 - The Generational Shadows

Welcome to Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Part 2 - The Generational Shadows. This week we explore the unique cultural experiences of GenX’ers that may have created shadows for them.

Growing up in the 70s, 80s, and early 90s, GenX’ers were shaped by a range of cultural influences, from economic uncertainty to the Cold War to being independent latch-key kids. These events may have led many GenX’ers to develop coping mechanisms that they now recognize as shadow aspects. Discover what some of those events were and how they shaped the generational shadows.

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