Blog and Resources

To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

7 Things Tornadoes Can Teach Us About Mental Health
Michele Walter Michele Walter

7 Things Tornadoes Can Teach Us About Mental Health

Fifteen years ago - May 29, 2008 - around 5:25 p.m. Central Time, an EF2 tornado came tearing through the streets of northern Kearney, Nebraska. The tornado lasted for about an hour, measured nearly 400 yards in width, and had wind speeds of up to 135 miles per hour. It left a 30-mile path of destruction. And in that path was my mom’s house. In the last blog for this month of May - Mental Health Awareness Month - I reflect on 7 things that tornadoes can teach us about mental health challenges.

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Saying “Hello” to the Grief Beneath
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Saying “Hello” to the Grief Beneath

In my experience, grief is the undercurrent of so many mental health struggles. And like a riptide in the ocean, unseen grief can pull us under without any warning. Also like a riptide, the more we fight against the grief, the more likely we are to go under and drown in the ocean of our accumulated lifetime of grief. This week I invite us to say, “hello” to our grief, so that we can soften around it . . . and so it can soften its hold on us.

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Behind the Scenes of My Mental Health Struggles
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Behind the Scenes of My Mental Health Struggles

If you’d told me 10 years ago that I could be prone to anxiety and depression, I would have LOL’d big time. No way would I have thought that I would suffer from anxiety or depression. I was raised in the 70’s and 80’s. I’m a strong, independent, resilient midwesterner who grew up as a latchkey kid and knew how to take care of herself. But this week, I want to put a face on one of the many ways that mental health struggles can manifest. And, in the process, hopefully normalize mental health struggles so that if you’re someone who can relate, you can know that you’re not alone.

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