
A New Hope

A support circle for women to reclaim their power, find community, and face menopause with hope.

Am I losing my mind?”

That's what I wondered in my mid-40's when I started experiencing more depression, anxiety, brain fog, lack of focus, and poor sleep. I was forgetting important meetings at work, having trouble focusing, feeling more anxious and depressed about everything in life, and starting to experience hot flashes, which also impacted my sleep.

It wasn't until a few years later that my doctor told me I was experiencing perimenopause symptoms. I then realized that I wasn't losing my mind . . . I was entering a new chapter of life.

Now, I'm officially post-menopausal and my symptoms still persist. And what I've realized is that women don't have enough spaces that support them through this menopause journey that lasts for years.

Going through perimenopause and menopause can leave women wondering:

  • Am I losing my mind?

  • Will this ever get better?

  • How can I get through this with everything else happening in my life?

In addition, menopause is both lonely and the butt of many jokes. And although humor can help, there isn't enough serious attention paid to the myriad of experiences that women are having through their menopause journey, which can make that journey very lonely and isolating.

This is why I've created a support group designed for women to reclaim their power, find community, and face the menopause journey with new hope.

I believe that this supportive menopause circle should be available to everyone, regardless of financial ability. That's why this is a "pay what feels good" event series. If you are financially able to invest an amount that does not visit hardship upon you, your investment will help me continue to offer sliding scale or donation-based events, while also providing a space for others for whom a financial investment would present a hardship. We are here to support and uplift each other in many ways, and everyone who participates will bring value and receive value.

In this online space, we will:

  • provide time for women to voice their biggest struggles and victories with menopause,

  • avoid giving advice and cross-talking so that everyone can feel seen and heard,

  • work to decrease the judgments of ourselves and find more self-compassion,

  • learn practical tools and strategies such as mindfulness meditation and coaching to support our journey, and

  • create space for each woman's experience to be honored.

Here's the breakdown of the 60-minute sessions:

  • first 5 minutes: creation of a safe and non-judgmental space through Group Agreements

  • 20-25 minutes: introductions and the sharing of reflections in response to prompts intended to allow women to give voice to their menopause journey. Sharing is optional and no one will be forced to share.

  • 20-25 minutes: talk and practices shared by Michele to support what women are experiencing

  • 5-10 minutes: final reflections and closing

This space is not a place for giving advice, including medical advice or opinions.

Michele L. Walter is a Certified Professional Coach and Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.