Blog and Resources

To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

Uncertainty Bites:  How Gen X Can Find Confidence, Courage, and Clarity Through Life Transitions
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Uncertainty Bites: How Gen X Can Find Confidence, Courage, and Clarity Through Life Transitions

Like most of the world, Gen X'ers are facing a lot of uncertainty. But the uncertainty that Gen X'ers are facing now seems to have a particular "flavor." It's an uncertainty that has crept in with all the deceptiveness of the intro to a Spandau Ballet song.

This uncertainty has a bit more bite to it.

And in the face of that uncertainty, we can begin to feel restless, hopeless, in despair, or even apathetic.

So how do we face the uncertainty that comes with these natural life transitions?

Here are some tips for harnessing the power of confidence, courage, and clarity to navigate those choppy waters.

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Is GenX Comfortably Numb? A Simple Practice to Get Comfortable with Feelings
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Is GenX Comfortably Numb? A Simple Practice to Get Comfortable with Feelings

There’s a general stereotype that GenX’ers are aloof, gruff, snarky, sarcastic, and champions of “tough love.”

Whether that stereotype is justified or not, and whether you identify with that stereotype or not, there’s one thing that I feel was true for me and other GenX’ers I know who grew up in the 70s and 80s:

We weren’t raised to understand or value our feelings and emotions.

Learn why it’s important to connect to our feelings and a quick practice to help you do just that!

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Saying “Hello” to the Grief Beneath
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Saying “Hello” to the Grief Beneath

In my experience, grief is the undercurrent of so many mental health struggles. And like a riptide in the ocean, unseen grief can pull us under without any warning. Also like a riptide, the more we fight against the grief, the more likely we are to go under and drown in the ocean of our accumulated lifetime of grief. This week I invite us to say, “hello” to our grief, so that we can soften around it . . . and so it can soften its hold on us.

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2 Practices to Fuel Dr. King’s Dream
Michele Walter Michele Walter

2 Practices to Fuel Dr. King’s Dream

Almost 55 years after the assassination of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this country and much of the world are still struggling with moving toward Dr. King’s dream: “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

I want to invite everyone to lean into two practices as we continue to journey toward Dr. King’s dream . . . two practices that can add more fuel to Dr. King’s vision so that his dream can burn even brighter.

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