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4 Tips for 40/50-Year-Old Lawyers to Reignite Their Freedom
Michele Walter Michele Walter

4 Tips for 40/50-Year-Old Lawyers to Reignite Their Freedom

There's a profound irony in celebrating the 4th of July.

We Americans love to celebrate our "freedom" on this day . . .

and yet . . .

the next day, we wake up and put on the same golden handcuffs we've been wearing that leave us feeling anything BUT free.

This irony is particularly true as we enter our 40s and 50s as lawyers.

So, in honor of truly celebrating our freedom, I want to share 4 Tips for 40/50-year-old lawyers to reignite their freedom all year around.

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2 Simple Principles to Guide 40- and 50-Year Olds Through Uncertainty
Michele Walter Michele Walter

2 Simple Principles to Guide 40- and 50-Year Olds Through Uncertainty

I talk to people in their 40’s and 50’s (especially lawyers) all the time, who tell me that they feel like they're ready for a change, but they just don't know what that looks like or how it will happen.

They're at Point A and either they don't know how to get to Point Z or even know what Point Z looks like.

Today I share 2 foundation principles that give you the foundation to begin to create sustainable change for yourself.

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