Free Inner Compass Masterclass

Sick of feeling conflicted about who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do with your life?

If so, get ready to stop following other people’s directions and expectations for your life. Find your own internal guidance system so that you can remember who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to do with your life.

It’s time to find your Inner Compass!

Join me live Thursday June 29th at 7:30 p.m. EDT on Zoom for the

Free Inner Compass Masterclass

Take the first step toward ditching the inner conflict and embracing your Inner Compass.

Can you relate to this?

  • You lie awake at night wondering “who am I?”, “what happened to me,” and “how did I get here?”

  • You feel like you’ve lost part of yourself somewhere along the way.

  • You’re not sure what happened to the life you thought you’d have.

  • You feel overwhelmed when you think about making changes because you’re not sure where to start.

  • You feel conflicted between meeting external expectations and honoring your internal desires.

Let this Inner Compass Masterclass be your first step to reclaiming:

who you are

what you stand for

where you want to go

who you are • what you stand for • where you want to go •

In this live 75-minute masterclass, Michele L. Walter will guide you through a 3-step framework so that you can ditch your inner conflict and embrace your Inner Compass.

  • Get clear on what matters to YOU!

    Here’s the thing: chances are you’ve lived most of your life according to other people’s expectations and beliefs. That may have worked up to a point; but now, you’ve realized that it never quite felt right. In Step 1, you’ll get clear on the expectations and beliefs that feel right for you!

  • Learn to spot what gets in the way!

    Does this sound familiar: “I can’t ever follow through on what’s important to me!” Let’s get to the bottom of that! Get ready for some AHA moments in Step 2, as you learn to spot the crap that gets in the way of who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do.

  • Create your first step forward!

    Let’s be real: it can be overwhelming to think of all the steps it takes make a change. Ditch that overwhelm! In Step 3, you’ll take what matters to you, what could get in the way of that, and come up with the next small step toward who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do.

After 49 years, I finally reclaimed who I was and what I was meant to do.

And I can confidently say, it was because I learned how to find and calibrate my own Inner Compass.

Your Inner Compass is uniquely and divinely yours. It’s rooted deep within you.

It’s that little nudge you feel. That sense that something is either on or off track. That pull you feel toward something, but you can’t explain why.

Your Inner Compass is a spark of joy, a moment of peace, a feeling of serenity.

Your Inner Compass has always been there . . . the problem is that somewhere along the way, you forgot it was there. You started to go down a path that someone else had forged for you. And in the process, you became disconnected from your Inner Compass. Now, years later, you feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself, your sense of direction, and what truly brings you joy, purpose, and meaning.

The good news is that you can find your Inner Compass that will lead you back to who you are and what you’re meant to do.

If you’re willing to invest 75 minutes, you’ll learn my 3-step framework to start developing your Inner Compass. With this framework, you can ditch the internal conflict you’ve felt over living by other people’s values and expectations. And instead, you can embrace your Inner Compass, so that you can create your own path toward purpose, meaning, and joy.

Your new direction is waiting for you!

So let’s do this together!

With love and gratitude,

Inner Compass Masterclass