Life From The Summit

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GenX Ins and Outs for 2024 (It’s not what you think)

The ushering in of a new calendar year brings a lot of traditions.

One popular New Years tradition is the annual “In/Out List”: noting what’s in or out for the year.

As a salty GenX’er, let me tell you what’s definitely “in” for the year: doing my own thing. So, that means that what’s “out” for the year is giving a crap about what other people think is “in or out.”

You can Google any number of articles about what other people think should be “in or out for 2024.” For me, that’s about as helpful as a horoscope: you can make anything you want out of it.

For the Generation raised to scoff at expectations and what everyone else is doing, I personally don’t feel that other people’s “ins/outs” lists hold any weight for me.

What does hold a lot of weight for me though, is my own “ins/outs” list.

A lot of personal crap went down in 2023 that I couldn’t run away from fast enough. And, at the same time, there were a lot of things for which I was grateful and that invited me to grow (reluctantly) in several ways.

So, on New Year’s Eve, I sat down and wrote down a list of all the mindsets, beliefs, and habits that I wanted to leave behind for 2024 — my “outs.” And trust me…it was a long list.

Things like:

  • Self-doubt

  • Fear of failure

  • Scarcity

  • Not enoughness

  • “I don’t know” mentality

After I wrote all of those down, I tore them off into little pieces of paper…and then burned them…one by one…releasing their hold on me.

Less than two weeks into the New Year, I can say that some of my “outs” have tried to weasel their way back into my life like a codependent ex-boyfriend. But, that’s when I turn to my “ins.”

The San Francisco Chronicle declared 2024 “ins” to be things such as “coffee-based cocktails,” the word “cozy,” and reading books in public.

Dude, please….

Now, those “ins” might be great for some people. But for me — as a 52-year-old, motivated, passionate, trailblazing rebel who is in constant transition — I want some “ins” with a little more oomph to them.

I want some “ins” that will support me to create a badass 2024…that will give me a North Star for creating the vision that I want for 2024.

So for 2024, I have consciously, wholeheartedly, and vehemently chosen my Core Values as my “ins”:

  • Honesty

  • Growth (physical, financial, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional)

  • Freedom (financial, physical)

  • Vulnerability

  • Compassion

When I’m guided by my Core Values as my “ins,” I’m not swayed by other people’s expectations. I’m not mindlessly following what society is advertising. And I’m not haphazardly going through the year trying to find the most cozy place where I can grab a coffee-based cocktail and read a book in public just because some internet blogger told me that’s what’s “in” for the year.

And sure…maybe with my “ins” as my Core Values, I’ll read more books in public, enjoy more coziness, or whip up some coffee-based cocktails….

But, if I do, it won’t be because some internet list suggested that’s what I should do.

It will be because that’s what I felt guided to do by my Core Values.

I’m curious…what’s one thing that’s “in” and one thing that’s “out” for you in 2024?