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To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

Uncertainty Bites:  How Gen X Can Find Confidence, Courage, and Clarity Through Life Transitions
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Uncertainty Bites: How Gen X Can Find Confidence, Courage, and Clarity Through Life Transitions

Like most of the world, Gen X'ers are facing a lot of uncertainty. But the uncertainty that Gen X'ers are facing now seems to have a particular "flavor." It's an uncertainty that has crept in with all the deceptiveness of the intro to a Spandau Ballet song.

This uncertainty has a bit more bite to it.

And in the face of that uncertainty, we can begin to feel restless, hopeless, in despair, or even apathetic.

So how do we face the uncertainty that comes with these natural life transitions?

Here are some tips for harnessing the power of confidence, courage, and clarity to navigate those choppy waters.

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Embracing 52: 8 Tips for GenX’ers Making Another Trip Around the Sun
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Embracing 52: 8 Tips for GenX’ers Making Another Trip Around the Sun

February 7th is my 52nd birthday.

And, as I tend to do every 365 days, I like to pause and reflect on what I've learned thus far in life, what I want to leave behind, and what I hope to experience going forward.

So this year, I want to pass my reflections onto you, my dear GenX'ers (along with some quotes from other badass GenXer's).

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GenX Ins and Outs for 2024 (It’s not what you think)
Michele Walter Michele Walter

GenX Ins and Outs for 2024 (It’s not what you think)

As a salty GenX’er, let me tell you what’s definitely “in” for the year: doing my own thing. So, that means that what’s “out” for the year is giving a crap about what other people think is “in or out.”

For the Generation raised to scoff at expectations and what everyone else is doing, I personally don’t feel that other people’s “ins/outs” lists hold any weight for me.

What does hold a lot of weight for me though, is my own “ins/outs” list.

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3 Reasons Why You Can’t Find Work-Life Balance (And You’re Not Gonna Like Them)
Midlife, GenX, Work-Life, Coaching Michele Walter Midlife, GenX, Work-Life, Coaching Michele Walter

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Find Work-Life Balance (And You’re Not Gonna Like Them)

If I had a dollar for every time I hear “I want better work-life balance,” then I could buy the Class B+ RV that I’ve been fantasizing about.

That longing for a better “work-life balance” is the number one concern I hear from the 40- and 50-year-old GenX’ers that come to me.

So pause for a minute, listen closely . . .

and let me give you the most valuable tip you'll hear all week.

There are three reasons why you’re not finding the “work-life balance” that you desire.

You may not want to hear them; yet, if you stick with me, you’ll be glad you did.

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This One Thing Will Make You an Unfuckwithable GenX’er
Michele Walter Michele Walter

This One Thing Will Make You an Unfuckwithable GenX’er

Learn the critical paradox that GenX’ers in their 40s and 50s can embrace to help make them unfuckwithable. What’s that mean? It means that when you can embrace this paradox, you can learn to suffer less in life. You can experience what life throws at us through a different, more empowering lens. And when you are able to do that, life doesn’t knock you down as easily or, when it does, you can get back up with more grace and ease.

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Unleash Your Inner GenX Power:  Pt 4 - 7-Step Basic Shadow Work Process
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Pt 4 - 7-Step Basic Shadow Work Process

Welcome back to that last week (or is it?) of this 4-part series to unleash your GenX Power. This week I share with you the powerful 7-Step Basic Shadow Work Process that I’ve used for years. It may be basic, but it’s profound. So grab a pen and paper for some journaling! And read to the end for a bonus announcement

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Unleash Your Inner GenX Power:  Pt 3 - 6 Reasons GenX’ers are Uniquely Suited for Shadow Work
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Pt 3 - 6 Reasons GenX’ers are Uniquely Suited for Shadow Work

Welcome to Part 3 of the Generational Shadows. This week we explore 6 reasons why GenX’ers are uniquely suited for shadow work and some of the potential benefits. Shadow work has been a powerful process for me for self-reflection and exploration, allowing me to uncover and integrate parts of myself that I had repressed, denied, or ignored. See how, through shadow work, GenX’ers could experience increased self-awareness, improved relationships, enhanced creativity, greater emotional resilience, increased personal growth, and an improved relationship with money.

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Unleash Your Inner GenX Power:  Part 1 - Shadow Work Basics
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Part 1 - Shadow Work Basics

Ready to explore a topic that can fundamentally change how you approach life and unleash your inner GenX power?

In this series: Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: A 4-Part Series on Shadow Work, we'll be diving into the fascinating world of shadow work, and specifically, how GenXers like us can benefit from it.

As GenXers, we're navigating a pivotal chapter in our lives, and I truly believe that this work can help us tap into our deepest sources of power and consciousness. Join me on this journey, and let's see what shifts we can create in our lives.

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A Different Cold War
Michele Walter Michele Walter

A Different Cold War

GenX’ers grew up under the shadow of the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Although the impact of that global, over-shadowing event certainly impacted us in various ways . . .

there’s a different kind of Cold War that we are fighting now in mid-life . . . .

Learn how this micro Cold War may be impacting you and why it’s so important to call a ceasefire!

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For the Love of GenX: The Mid-Life Awakening
Michele Walter Michele Walter

For the Love of GenX: The Mid-Life Awakening

I celebrated my 51st birthday the other day. And it got me thinking about mid-life.

The vast majority of people in mid-life right now are the people from the forgotten, latchkey generation - GenX.

As GenX’ers navigate mid-life, it’s common to feel like something wants to shift. You’ve spent most of your adult life determining WHO you want to be and building the life you were expected to build.

And now, the life you’ve built can start to feel a little worn out or stale.

But you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

This isn’t a mid-life crisis . . . it’s a GenX awakening.

Welcome to the February series: For the Love of GenX.

Throughout this month, we’ll explore how GenX’ers can love mid-life and use the wonderful GenX strengths to love your way back to the independence, creativity, and spirit of adventure that are the hallmarks of this Generation.

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