Unleash Your Inner GenX Power: Pt 3 - 6 Reasons GenX’ers are Uniquely Suited for Shadow Work
Last week we explored some of the unique generational experiences that may have created shadows for GenX’ers.
This week, we’re going to open up to the potential benefits for GenX’ers of exploring these shadows, and why I think that many GenX’ers are uniquely suited for doing shadow work.
(Note: I say “many GenX’ers” because shadow work isn’t necessarily for everyone. We’ll explore some warnings and concerns next week when we talk about some basic practices. So please–hold off on trying to dive into shadow work on your own for now).
In my experience, shadow work has been the most powerful process for self-reflection and exploration that I’ve ever done. It’s allowed me to uncover and integrate parts of myself that I had repressed, denied, or ignored.
For example, I was a Latch Key kid for whom the independence and resourcefulness of spending a lot of time alone conditioned me to resist anything that could be perceived as “weakness” or a threat to my independence. Like relying on others for any kind of support or help - whether it be for work around the house or work around my emotional well-being. (Never mind the fact that “emotional well-being” wasn’t even a phrase that was in my GenX vernacular for most of my life). Or showing any kind of vulnerability. Or following rules. (I’m a solid “Rebel” when it comes to the Four Tendencies by Gretchen Ruben).
Another example is my recent realization of the financial trauma (yep, that’s a thing) I have absorbed during my 51 years of living with various forms of economic uncertainty. As is common with many Baby Boomer parents, my parents were swimming in a scarcity mindset when it came to money - a mindset that they passed on to me in various ways. My dad was always saving every penny, never wanting the family to take vacations or buy anything unless it was absolutely necessary. My mom - who showed her love with money - felt like she had to secretly buy things for my brother and me so that our dad wouldn’t find out. Plus, like so many GenX’ers, my parents got divorced - in brutal, messy fashion - thrusting me into an even deeper, toxic relationship with money.
From the experience of being a Latch Key kid, to the experience of economic uncertainty, to any of the other myriad other factors I explored last week, I (along with so many other GenX’ers and people in general) have a vast array of deeply ingrained shadows from the time period in which I grew up.
And, at the same time, I believe that GenX’ers also have a vast array of qualities that make us uniquely suited to do shadow work. Qualities that may actually be enhanced - in an empowering way - by integrating these shadows.
In other words, the amazing qualities that GenX’ers possess not only can give us the strength and wisdom to learn to integrate our shadows, but our shadows may even allow us to more fully tap into the depth and beauty of our amazing qualities.
Here are 6 reasons why GenX’ers are uniquely suited to do shadow work:
Increased self-awareness: GenX’ers already are a pretty self-aware group. Shadow work can help us gain an even deeper understanding of ourselves and our motivations, allowing us to make more conscious, intentional choices.
Improved relationships: As much as GenX’ers love to proclaim that we don’t care about other people’s feelings, many of us secretly do care. In fact, many GenX’ers are connectors by nature - whether we’re introverted, extroverted, or ambi-verted (a combo of both). We know how to develop deep relationships. By becoming more aware of our unconscious patterns and behaviors, shadow work can help us improve our relationships with others and communicate more effectively.
Enhanced creativity: GenX’ers are a hugely creative bunch. GenX’ers started Amazon and Google, and in 2015, GenX’ers represented 55% of startup founders. Exploring our shadows can help us tap into our creativity and access new ideas and perspectives by allowing us to let go of judgments, perfectionistic tendencies, and other unconscious beliefs that hold us back.
Greater emotional resilience: We are the generation who loves to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps - which has created its own shadows (like not asking for help or fearing vulnerability). But, this resilience also is rooted in strength and determination, which gives us the ability to turn toward difficult things. By facing and integrating our shadows, we can develop even greater emotional resilience (in a more healthy and empowering way) and learn to navigate difficult emotions with greater ease.
Increased personal growth: GenX’ers generally are dedicated to self-improvement. In fact, we’re more likely than other generations to read self-improvement books. Shadow work can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, helping us to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns and live a more fulfilling life.
Improved relationship with finances: It’s estimated that about 80% of GenX “feels they have an intermediate or advanced understanding of personal finance fundamentals, namely money, insurance, and paying taxes.” And yet, our financial future, saving for retirement, and digital currency are our top three concerns. We also have more debt than other generations (although we generally have the assets to back it up). And approximately 55-65% of GenX’ers feel like they’ll be able to retire comfortably - leaving almost one-third to one-half of GenX’ers feeling like they won’t be able to retire comfortably. As I mentioned above, my own realizations around the unconscious influences of my parents’ money mindsets and their divorce, along with other societal factors, have given me a deeper appreciation of the unconscious influence on my relationship with money. Shadow work can shine the light on those hidden influences that impact our relationship with and habits around money.
There ya have it . . . six reasons why GenX’ers are uniquely suited to do shadow work, along with some of the potential benefits. And I say “potential” because I’m not a snake-oil saleswoman. I recognize that everyone is different; not everyone is suited for shadow work; and everyone does shadow work will have a different experience with it. I can only speak for myself and from my experience when I say that the benefits of shadow work for me can be summarized in three words: fucking life changing.
Whether your experience would be the same isn’t for me to say or predict. For now, my simple invitation is to reflect on this:
What would be one thing that could shift in your life by bring a greater awareness to the parts of yourself that you have denied, repressed, or ignored?
Leave your reflections below.