Blog and Resources

To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

A Different Cold War
Michele Walter Michele Walter

A Different Cold War

GenX’ers grew up under the shadow of the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Although the impact of that global, over-shadowing event certainly impacted us in various ways . . .

there’s a different kind of Cold War that we are fighting now in mid-life . . . .

Learn how this micro Cold War may be impacting you and why it’s so important to call a ceasefire!

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Nobody Puts GenX In A Corner
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Nobody Puts GenX In A Corner

In the last year and a half, I’ve been recovering my rebellious, independent, creative, and laidback spirit, which had all been banished to dark corners during my time in the legal profession.

I’ve been recovering my GenX spirit . . .

and recovering what it means to let those qualities truly flourish.

What amazing GenX qualities have you banished to the dark corners of your life? Or in what ways have you been living your life in the corner?

It’s time to get up off the chair in the corner . . . because nobody puts GenX in a corner!

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Why It’s Important for GenX to Find  Desire and Joy Right Now!
Michele Walter Michele Walter

Why It’s Important for GenX to Find Desire and Joy Right Now!

Generally speaking, GenX’ers we were raised to be independent, self-sufficient, and creative.

Yet, these amazing qualities have some shadowy aspects that have left many of us feeling trapped in mid-life by the lives we’ve so fastidiously built.

The reason is because we were never raised to give ourselves permission to ask what we deeply desire.

Why ask “what do I deeply desire?”

Why are “wants,” “wishes,” and “hopes” less powerful?

And how can a simple practice, show us that joy is a portal to what we deeply desire?

This is your invitation to go from “getting through” mid-life, to “transforming through” mid-life.

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For the Love of GenX: The Mid-Life Awakening
Michele Walter Michele Walter

For the Love of GenX: The Mid-Life Awakening

I celebrated my 51st birthday the other day. And it got me thinking about mid-life.

The vast majority of people in mid-life right now are the people from the forgotten, latchkey generation - GenX.

As GenX’ers navigate mid-life, it’s common to feel like something wants to shift. You’ve spent most of your adult life determining WHO you want to be and building the life you were expected to build.

And now, the life you’ve built can start to feel a little worn out or stale.

But you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

This isn’t a mid-life crisis . . . it’s a GenX awakening.

Welcome to the February series: For the Love of GenX.

Throughout this month, we’ll explore how GenX’ers can love mid-life and use the wonderful GenX strengths to love your way back to the independence, creativity, and spirit of adventure that are the hallmarks of this Generation.

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