Blog and Resources

To guide you in finding your own path to the summit.

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Find Work-Life Balance (And You’re Not Gonna Like Them)
Midlife, GenX, Work-Life, Coaching Michele Walter Midlife, GenX, Work-Life, Coaching Michele Walter

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Find Work-Life Balance (And You’re Not Gonna Like Them)

If I had a dollar for every time I hear “I want better work-life balance,” then I could buy the Class B+ RV that I’ve been fantasizing about.

That longing for a better “work-life balance” is the number one concern I hear from the 40- and 50-year-old GenX’ers that come to me.

So pause for a minute, listen closely . . .

and let me give you the most valuable tip you'll hear all week.

There are three reasons why you’re not finding the “work-life balance” that you desire.

You may not want to hear them; yet, if you stick with me, you’ll be glad you did.

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How Learning My Core Values Changed My Life at 49
Michele Walter Michele Walter

How Learning My Core Values Changed My Life at 49

Listen up, because this week I’m going to share with you the one thing that has fundamentally changed how I live my life. That has allowed me to feel more empowered to make conscious choices to prioritize and honor what’s important to me. This is THE most important work that I think we can do for ourselves. So buckle up, settle in, and enjoy!

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