Two Ways Legal Professionals Can Address Burnout
Over the last year and a half I've coached several legal professionals and taught various mindfulness courses to them as well.
And the one question I hear over and over again is this:
“How can I address my burnout?”
Photo by Michele L. Walter - Colorado Sunflower
The American Bar Association reported on a recent study conducted by Bloomberg Law showing that
"The most dissatisfied lawyers said they feel burnout 74% of the time, on average, while satisfied lawyers feel burnout 28% of the time."
Burnout is common among legal professionals.
Yet you tolerate it like the nasty bump you get when you bite your tongue.
It's uncomfortable, even painful . . . .
you know it's there and you keep hoping it will just go away.
But unlike that annoying bump on your tongue, ignoring burnout doesn't make it go away.
Ignoring it . . . tolerating it . . . only allows it to fester.
It's like you just keep biting your tongue over and over again.
Stop biting your tongue!
And start learning how to recognize and address your burnout.
Along my journey of burnout, I was fortunate to find practices and teachings that helped me learn to recognize and address burnout.
Mindfulness meditation teachings and practices.
And coaching techniques.
Now that I've found my way to the other side of burnout, I want to support others to do the same.
I have 2 offerings that take the teachings and practices I've learned and pass them along to you, so that you can start to shift your experience of burnout and create a more easeful life:
** Join my Group Coaching for Legal Professionals session on Saturday July 24, 2021, from 12-3 pm EDT (please note the time zone). Group coaching allows you to come into a confidential, non-judgmental space where you can bring any issue you'd like to work through.
We'll gather with 8 people for 3 hours and I will go around coaching each of you. You'll find commonality in your struggles, experiences, and insights. And you'll walk away with insights and actionable steps from your own coaching, as well as from observing others’ coaching.
From now through July 22, the investment for this powerful experience is $250. After that, the price will increase to $300.
Click this link to join. Participation is capped at 8 people.
** The 5-Day Experience for Legal Professionals: Building Your Well-Being Foundations: This pre-recorded course takes you through 5 areas of well-being (guided by the well-being areas established by the Institute for Well-Being in Law): Physical; Spiritual; Occupational/Intellectual; Social; and Emotional. The course - done at your own pace - will take you through mindfulness principles for each area, guided mediations, and worksheets to support your continued growth in these areas. At the end, you'll have tangible practices, information, and insights to address your burnout.
Through July 22, 2021, you'll save $100 when you invest in this course!
Normally, this course is $349, but for the next 9 days, I'm offering it at $249.
This course will never be this low again.
And you''ll have lifetime access to it.
So click this link and sign up before midnight ET on July 22 to save $100!
That burnout you've been experiencing . . . the sense of something weighing you down, keeping you disconnected . . . like something is taking the spring out of your step and the joy out of your life . . .
Well, here are two powerful opportunities to learn how to start addressing that.
And I'll be with you every step of the way.