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3 Tips for Gen X’ers to Find Presence While Moving Toward Goals
GenX, Goals Michele Walter GenX, Goals Michele Walter

3 Tips for Gen X’ers to Find Presence While Moving Toward Goals

For a generation that grew up wanting to find more balance, Generation X often struggles to find more ease and presence on the path to achieving our goals. Whether it’s saving for retirement, starting our own business, or trying to lose some weight, Gen X’ers are as much a victim of our American “hustle” culture as every other generation.

In using “hustle” to pursue our worthy goals, we often lose sight of ourselves, the present, and the journey. Consequently, if/when we reach our goals, we’re underwhelmed, burnt out, or already asking “what’s next?”

So, how do we move toward our goals in a way that allows us to be more present, doesn’t burn us out, and truly appreciate the journey rather than the destination?

Here are three tips that you can use right now.

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