Life From The Summit

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Ep. 19: Gen X Unplugged:  Summer Break, Rebel Community, and Mindfulness   

With 18 episodes out in the world, it’s time to take a summer break for a few weeks to work on some other projects (including an IRS tax audit!), find a college intern to help with the podcast, and prepare an exciting free program for Gen X’ers who feel lost, trapped, and hopeless.  

As Michele celebrates launching the podcast and producing 18 episodes, she reflects on the Gen X community of rebels that she wants to build through this podcast and her work.  The Gen X’ers who:  

💥  want to do the deeper, reflective self-work that will support themselves, their families, and their communities through the next several decades;

💥  don't want to use their humor anymore to deflect or avoid the very real shit that's happening in our lives at this stage; 

💥  are true rebels who are sick and tired of feeling weighed down by other people's expectations;

💥  who have forgotten who they are and don’t recognize themselves any more; and 

💥  are ready to blaze their own path forward.  

While the podcast is on a break, take this time to catch up and to take your first step toward the mindfulness meditation practice that Michele talks about.  Grab your 50% off code for the Kickstart Your Mindfulness Meditation program:  an online, self-paced program where for about 20 minutes a day, you can learn how to create the foundation for finding more peace and clarity as you move through transition.  💥 Use code “podcast50” to get this program for only $49.50 through August 27, 2024.  


⭐️  Hardwiring Happiness, Dr. Rick Hanson at TEDx Marin 2013 

⭐️ Stay in loop!


(00:00) Taking a Summer Break and Prioritizing Other Projects

(01:29) Searching for an Intern and Launching New Programs

(03:20) The Importance of Celebrating Victories

(06:13) Building a Community of Like-Minded Gen Xers

(10:06) Building Gen X Community

(15:31) Invitation to Catch Up on Previous Episodes and Discount on Mindfulness Meditation Program



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If you resonate with this episode, please remember to take a few seconds to leave a rating and review, and share the podcast with other Gen X’ers.  

Also, if you’re enjoying The Gen X Shift podcast, please consider donating to help Michele with the tech, equipment, and resources needed to produce this podcast.  The podcast is a one-woman, one-dog show right now, so every bit of support goes a long way. 

#thegenxshiftpodcast #thegenxshift #lifefromthesummit

Stay Gold, Gen X’ers . . . .