Ep. 20: Just Calm Your Shit Down: The Power of Non-Violent Communication
“If you never opened your mouth . . . if you just do self empathy, if that was the only thing you took away from NVC, you would already be winning.”
Tired of yelling at your teenager when they stay out late or come home drunk?
Not sure how to talk to your partner about the growing divide in your relationship?
Worried about how to talk with your parent about moving into a retirement home?
In this return episode after summer break, Michele sits down with Jen Gergen for a journey through Non-Violent Communication (NVC). “What the hell is NVC?” you ask? For Gen X’ers in the midst of various transitions, NVC offers a transformational way to connect to ourselves and others through awareness of what’s truly present – the feelings and needs that each person is experiencing. This approach offers a profound invitation to a deeper way of listening and connecting to ourselves and each other.
In fact, the creator of NVC, Marshall Rosenberg, used NVC in bridge divides in situations ranging from gang violence in cities, to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
So, chances are, NVC can hold a profound opportunity for you to connect to yourself and others more deeply in your life.
And remember: NVC is a practice. There is no perfection or “end point” in NVC. Start small with some of the key takeaways, like journaling at the end of the day about all the things you did and how they met a need you had.
Other key takeaways include:
Understanding the importance and messages of anger
A different approach to compliments and apologies
How to express your feelings and needs
The importance of self-empathy
When to shut your mouth (because it’s best for you and others)
💥 Grab you free NVC Quick Resource Guide that Jen prepared for podcast listeners!
Jen is a liberation activist committed to dismantling the interlocking systems of oppression who started her nonviolent communication (NVC) journey in 2008 training with Marshall Rosenberg and has been collaborating with fellow NVC Practitioner myisha t hill of Check Your Privilege (CYP) bringing regular NVC practice to the CYP community since 2021. She is dedicated to the practice, facilitation, and ongoing education of NVC and is particularly interested in how empathy and presence can better serve her and fellow co-conspirators in the movement for social change.
Make sure to sign up for Jen’s in-person NVC retreat on October 19 at the Carlson Club in River Falls, WI (use discount code Gen X for 25% off)
💥 Website
💥 Linktree
💥 Instagram Live with Jen and Michele on NVC and Mindfulness
💥 Instagram reel: Never Say You’re Sorry Again
💥 In-person NVC Retreat Oct. 19 (use discount code GenX for 25% off)
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